TAINAN SPINNING CO., LTD. is a Taiwan-based company principally engaged in the manufacture, processing and sales of textile products. The products of the Company include cotton yarn, polyester cotton, polyester granules, ester granules for bottles, polyester filaments, finished polyester filaments and others.

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Tainan Spinning Co., Ltd. was founded with an initial capital of NT$ 7.5 million on March 21, 1955. Over the years, the company has grown significantly, and by October 3, 1989, it was listed on the stock market with a capital of NT$ 4.5 billion. From the outset, Tainan has been dedicated to maintaining high quality standards, reflected in certifications such as ISO 9000 for Quality Management System and ISO 14000 for Environmental Management System.

The company's core operations revolve around the production, processing, and sale of various textiles, including polyester cotton, polyester silk, yarns, polyester granules, and textured yarns. These versatile products find applications in a wide array of industries such as fashion, home decor, and industrial manufacturing.

Tainan Spinning Co., Ltd. also engages in real estate through building leasing. Its reach extends not only to domestic markets but also to international markets spanning Hong Kong, Mainland China, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, South Africa, Brazil, India, Vietnam, Mexico, Russia, and Europe.


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NANLON® Aside from spinning the yarns, Tainan Spinning also has its own chemical plant, producing polyester stable fiber, HI COOL & HI WARM performance fibers, POY, DTY, and CHIPS for our own consumption and also sold in domestic and international market under the brand name NANLON.


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511 Yu-nong Rd., East District, Tainan 70149, Taiwan, ROC