Ekopet JSC is a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plant that produces bottles, cans and other food-grade packaging, for industrial and household use. Development of PET resin production and recycling technology, shock resistance, free choice of design and relatively low costs have made PET packaging the most popular solution in the market of carbonated drinks and mineral water, vegetable oils, as well as cosmetics, household chemicals, process fluids and other products.

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Ekopet JSC is the largest polyethylene terephthalate plant in Russia and Eastern Europe. The products of the Kaliningrad plant are supplied both to the Russian market and the markets of the European Union and CIS countries.

The plant currently produces high-viscosity polyethylene terephthalate chips under the Eköpet trademark. PET of Ekopet 64 FG grade is perfectly suited for the production of BOPET films and can be used for the production of polyester fibres, which subsequently serve as the material for industrial-use nonwovens.  

The state-of-the-art technology of MTR comprising one-stage and two-phase production of PET resin is used for the production of PET which reduces capital costs, energy and raw materials consumption. This technology and equipment were developed by Uhde Inventa Fischer GmbH (Germany). This PET production technology provides for a polymer with a lower melting point, far lower than for traditional PET types, as well as a lower crystallinity degree and minimum dust content in the shipped product, resulting not only in a high-quality product but also reduced energy costs during PET processing for our customers.

Since September 8, 2018, the sole shareholder of Ekopet JSC has been PAO National Bank Trust.


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Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)

The company produces high-viscosity PET chips under the Eköpet trademark which is intended for the production of PET bottles for carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, dairy products, vegetable oil, etc.

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Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)

The company produces high-viscosity PET chips under the Eköpet trademark which is intended for the production of PET bottles for carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, dairy products, vegetable oil, etc.; sheet thermoforming products; various products for technical, medical and household applications.

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Ekopet JSC produces polyethylene terephthalate (PET) under the EköPet brand name, designed for the production of PET bottles for carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, juices, dairy products, vegetable oil, other containers and food packaging, including products from sheet thermoforming (cords), as well as various medical products.


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123 Baltiyskoye Shosse, Kaliningrad, 236013, Russia