Jiangsu Zhentai Chemical Co.,Ltd

Founded in 1968, China Jiangsu Zhentai Chemical Co., Ltd. has garnered extensive knowledge and proficiency in the distribution and trade of various products such as titanium dioxide, rutile, and titania. Situated in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, the company is among the prominent sellers of these listed products. If you seek top-notch quality products and exceptional service, consider purchasing titanium dioxide, rutile, or titania in bulk from us.

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Pioneering Excellence in Titanium Dioxide Manufacturing

Instamine invites you to learn more about Jiangsu Zhentai Chemical Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu Zhentai Chemical Co., Ltd. stands as a significant titanium dioxide manufacturer in China, boasting an annual production capacity of 50,000 tons of high-grade titanium dioxide and 20,000 tons of polymerized ferric sulfate. The company specializes in the production of titanium dioxide, polymerized ferric sulfate, and other related products.

Their flagship product, "Global" brand titanium dioxide, is widely recognized and esteemed as a reputable offering. Within Jiangsu Province, the "Global" brand holds a position of renown, enjoying substantial popularity both domestically and internationally. Recognized for their technological prowess, the company was honored with the title of "National Key High-tech Enterprise" by the National Ministry of Science and Technology in 2003. Their commitment to quality is evident through various certifications, including ISO9002 obtained in 1999 and subsequent ISO9001:2000 registration in 2002. In 2000, they were awarded the Quality Management prize of Jiangsu Province. Moreover, the company achieved ISO9000, ISO14000, and OHSMS18000 systematic certifications in 2006.

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