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  1. Slip 1 item
  2. Antiblock 1 item
  3. Antiblock additive 3 items
  4. Antiblocking agent 1 item
  5. Antioxidant 1 item
  6. Heat Stabilizer 1 item
  7. Slip additive 3 items
Flame Ratings

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  1. IS : 10141 1 item
  2. FDA: CFR Title 21,177.1520 9 items
  3. IS 10909 2 items
  4. IS 16738:2018 5 items
  5. IS : 10146 4 items
  6. IS: 10910 5 items
Physical Form

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Specific Property
  1. Anti blocking properties 2 items
  2. Excellent balance of mechanic... 1 item
  3. Optimum level of antioxidants 3 items
  4. 15% recycled PET mix 1 item
  5. Antiblock additive 2 items
  6. Antiblocking 2 items
  7. Balanced mechanical properties 2 items
  8. Balanced optical properties 2 items
  9. Blends with other polyolefin 8 items
  10. Brilliant clarity 2 items
  11. Butene base 2 items
  12. Easy Processing 1 item
  13. Ethylene-hexene copolymer 9 items
  14. Excellent clarity of films 1 item
  15. Excellent gloss 1 item
  16. Excellent gloss and clarity 2 items
  17. Excellent openability 2 items
  18. Excellent optics 1 item
  19. Excellent organoleptic propert... 2 items
  20. Excellent processability 1 item
  21. Excellent processing character... 7 items
  22. Excellent toughness properties 1 item
  23. Exceptional drawdown 2 items
  24. exceptional processability 2 items
  25. Glossy 2 items
  26. Good clarity 4 items
  27. Good drawdown 7 items
  28. Good processing 2 items
  29. Good processing characteristic... 1 item
  30. Good processing on cast film l... 1 item
  31. Good stiffness 1 item
  32. Good stiffness at thin gauges 1 item
  33. Good surface slip 1 item
  34. Good toughness properties 5 items
  35. Heat Stabilizer additive 1 item
  36. High COF 1 item
  37. high stiffness 1 item
  38. Higher flow for easy processin... 1 item
  39. Homopolymer 3 items
  40. Increased stiffness 1 item
  41. Low acetaldehyde 2 items
  42. Low amounts of anti blocking a... 1 item
  43. Low COF 2 items
  44. Low creep 1 item
  45. Low Viscosity 2 items
  46. Medium coefficient of friction 1 item
  47. No antiblock additive 2 items
  48. No slip additive 2 items
  49. Octene based 1 item
  50. Open ability between two layer... 1 item
  51. Optimum processing rates for b... 2 items
  52. Produced by Novolen Technology 1 item
  53. Produced by the latest Spherip... 1 item
  54. Slip 2 items
  55. Slip additive 3 items
  56. Suited for high speed converti... 3 items
  57. Superior Flexible Packaging Re... 1 item
  58. Superior slip properties 2 items
  59. Use alone or in blends with LD... 1 item
  60. Use alone or in co extrusions 8 items
  61. Very Good Processing Propertie... 1 item