Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)

Bleumina 201

  • Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)
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Product Reviews

Bleumina 201 is a specialty carbon black for high jetness multi-purpose pigment application in various plastics with very good UV/weatherability performance across a range of plastics applications. It is suitable for cable jacketing, agricultural films, automotive interiors, exteriors, all molding and other applications where weatherability performance is very important

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Product Details

  • Manufacturer
    Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)
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Morphological control achieved during polymerization | High surface area | high structure | Very good dispersion | low ash content




Plastic | Base resin for compounding of cable jacketing | Agricultural film | Colored and white automotive interior seats and parts | Moldings | Food contact application | General purpose molding | Plastic film applications | Plastic masterbatch

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Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)



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Bleumina 201

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Bleumina 201

Meta Description

Bleumina 201 Bleumina 201 is a specialty carbon black for high jetness multi-purpose pigment application in various plastics with very good UV/weatherability performance across a range of plastics applications. It is suitable for cable jacketing, agricult

Bleumina 201 is a specialty carbon black for high jetness multi-purpose pigment application in various plastics with very good UV/weatherability performance across a range of plastics applications. It is suitable for cable jacketing, agricultural films, automotive interiors, exteriors, all molding and other applications where weatherability performance is very important

More Information

Bleumina 201 is a specialty carbon black for high jetness multi-purpose pigment application in various plastics with very good UV/weatherability performance across a range of plastics applications. It is suitable for cable jacketing, agricultural films, automotive interiors, exteriors, all molding and other applications where weatherability performance is very important

Features High surface area, high structure, low ash content , Morphological control achieved during polymerization, Very good dispersion
Availability India
Applications Agricultural film , Base resin for compounding of cable jacketing , Colored and white automotive interior seats and parts , Food contact application , General purpose molding , Moldings , Plastic , Plastic film applications , Plastic masterbatch
Physical Form Powder
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