Denox Advanced Materials Co. Ltd


  • Denox Advanced Materials Co. Ltd
  • Denox
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Product Reviews

DN-50A by Denox Advanced Materials Co. Ltd is a high-grade material with a titanium dioxide (TiO2) content exceeding 92%. Ideal for various applications, it is specifically designed to work seamlessly with DN-55A, enhancing production processes.

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Product Details

  • Manufacturer
    Denox Advanced Materials Co. Ltd
  • Brand
  • Additives, Pigment & Minerals Generic Family


Additive Typical Properties

Title Value Unit Method Additional Information Property Notes
P₂O₅ ≤0.2 % XRF - -
Fineness ≤0.05 % 0.045mm mesh residual -
Bulk Density 0.2-0.3 gm/cc Volumetric method - -
Particle size ≤10 μm Laser Particle Size Analyzer D(90) -
Particle size ≤1.5 μm Laser Particle Size Analyzer (D50) -
Particle size ≤1.0 μm Laser Particle Size Analyzer (D10) -
pH 1.5-3.0 PH meter -
Loss on Drying 2 % 105°Cx1hr -
Loss On ignition 5 % 900°Cx1hr -
BET 90±10 m²/gm static absorption of nitrogen BET -
Na2O ≤100 ppm ICP/XRF - -
K2O ≤100 ppm ICP/XRF - -
Fe2O3 ≤100 ppm XRF - -
SO²4 1.5-3.0 % High frequency infrared carbon sulfur Instrument -
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) / % XRF chemical -
WO3 5±0.3 % XRF - -
Titanium Dioxide (Tio2 ) Content ≥92 % XRF - -
Peak Height 145±10 mm XRD - -
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