FR-767 Rutile

  • Meide Group USA Inc.
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Product Reviews

FR-767 Rutile type Titanium Dioxide is an excellent general-purpose grade titanium dioxide produced by the sulfuric acid process. This product integrates the innovation studies on inorganic coating, organic treatment, salt treatment, calcination control, hydrolysis, and product applications. Also, it adopts advanced control of color hue and particle size. It is subjected to inorganic and organic surface treatment with zirconia and alumina, which makes the FR-676 an excellent choice for application performance.

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Product Details

  • Manufacturer
    Meide Group USA Inc.
  • Additives, Pigment & Minerals Generic Family


Additive Typical Properties

Title Value Unit Method Additional Information Property Notes
Mass fraction of TiO2 94.3 % - -
Tint reducing power 1970 (Reynolds number) -
Rutile Content 98.5 - -
Mass fraction of Volatile 0.3 % at 105C -
pH 7.3 values of aqueous suspension -
Oil Absorption 20 gm/100 gm - -
Mass fraction of screening 0.01 % (45 μm) -
Dispersibility 6.25 (Hickmann number) -
Electrical resistivity 263 Ωm - -
Alumina 3 wt % max (Al2O3%) -
Silica None wt % max (SiO2 %) -
Zirconia 0.50 wt % - -
Median Particle Size 0.332 μm - -
Color CIEL 98.4 L -
Color CIEL 1.93 b -
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