Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)


  • Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)
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Product Reviews

P8242 exhibits good processability, providing a balance between cost and performance for applications requiring medium to high opacity and weatherability. It is well-suited for thicker multilayer films, pipes, and drip laterals. As a general-purpose pigment black, it is effective in web offset lithographic printing inks and a wide range of liquid ink applications, offering medium intensity with reliable dispersibility. Commonly used as an all-purpose pigment in building products, textile colorants, and refractory applications, its dispersibility depends on the equipment and formulation used.

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    Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)
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Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)



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P8242 P8242 exhibits good processability, providing a balance between cost and performance for applications requiring medium to high opacity and weatherability. It is well-suited for thicker multilayer films, pipes, and drip laterals. As a general-purpose

P8242 exhibits good processability, providing a balance between cost and performance for applications requiring medium to high opacity and weatherability. It is well-suited for thicker multilayer films, pipes, and drip laterals. As a general-purpose pigment black, it is effective in web offset lithographic printing inks and a wide range of liquid ink applications, offering medium intensity with reliable dispersibility. Commonly used as an all-purpose pigment in building products, textile colorants, and refractory applications, its dispersibility depends on the equipment and formulation used.

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P8242 exhibits good processability, providing a balance between cost and performance for applications requiring medium to high opacity and weatherability. It is well-suited for thicker multilayer films, pipes, and drip laterals. As a general-purpose pigment black, it is effective in web offset lithographic printing inks and a wide range of liquid ink applications, offering medium intensity with reliable dispersibility. Commonly used as an all-purpose pigment in building products, textile colorants, and refractory applications, its dispersibility depends on the equipment and formulation used.

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