Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)


  • Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)
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Product Reviews

PC502 is designed for fully bonded and strippable shield compounds in power cable applications. This ultra-clean, conductive black is ideal for semi-conductive compounds in medium voltage power transmission cables. With very low sulfur and ash content, PC502 enhances cable life by providing excellent surface smoothness and dispersibility. Its minimal sieve residue and ash content prevent the washout of ionizable materials, reducing the risk of electrical degradation. The low sulfur content also prevents reactions with polymers under electrical stress, further contributing to improved cable longevity.

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    Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)
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Wire & Cable | Easy Processing | low ash content | Good surface finish | Excellent dispersibility




Wire & Cable

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Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)



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PC502 PC502 is designed for fully bonded and strippable shield compounds in power cable applications. This ultra-clean, conductive black is ideal for semi-conductive compounds in medium voltage power transmission cables. With very low sulfur and ash conte

PC502 is designed for fully bonded and strippable shield compounds in power cable applications. This ultra-clean, conductive black is ideal for semi-conductive compounds in medium voltage power transmission cables. With very low sulfur and ash content, PC502 enhances cable life by providing excellent surface smoothness and dispersibility. Its minimal sieve residue and ash content prevent the washout of ionizable materials, reducing the risk of electrical degradation. The low sulfur content also prevents reactions with polymers under electrical stress, further contributing to improved cable longevity.

More Information

PC502 is designed for fully bonded and strippable shield compounds in power cable applications. This ultra-clean, conductive black is ideal for semi-conductive compounds in medium voltage power transmission cables. With very low sulfur and ash content, PC502 enhances cable life by providing excellent surface smoothness and dispersibility. Its minimal sieve residue and ash content prevent the washout of ionizable materials, reducing the risk of electrical degradation. The low sulfur content also prevents reactions with polymers under electrical stress, further contributing to improved cable longevity.

Features Easy Processing, Excellent dispersibility, Good surface finish, low ash content , Wire & Cable
Availability India
Applications Wire & Cable
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