Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)


  • Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)
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PF401 is a premium specialty black offering significant benefits for fine denier polyester fiber spinners and masterbatch producers. Its ultra-clean physical properties enhance melt fiber life by reducing plugging, leading to lower production costs in fiber manufacturing. The balanced morphological properties of PF401 deliver an optimal combination of blue tone, dispersibility, dilutability, and color strength, with extremely low filterability. Polyester fiber producers can achieve extended spin pack life, as PF401 ensures very low, consistent fine screen Delta P in PET, PBT, and PP base polymers.

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    Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)
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Low viscosity in high concentrated masterbatch | High spinability | Specified for high speed production of fine denier fibre / Nonwoven




Masterbatch-filler | Ducts for Optical fibre cables

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Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)



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PF401 PF401 is a premium specialty black offering significant benefits for fine denier polyester fiber spinners and masterbatch producers. Its ultra-clean physical properties enhance melt fiber life by reducing plugging, leading to lower production costs

PF401 is a premium specialty black offering significant benefits for fine denier polyester fiber spinners and masterbatch producers. Its ultra-clean physical properties enhance melt fiber life by reducing plugging, leading to lower production costs in fiber manufacturing. The balanced morphological properties of PF401 deliver an optimal combination of blue tone, dispersibility, dilutability, and color strength, with extremely low filterability. Polyester fiber producers can achieve extended spin pack life, as PF401 ensures very low, consistent fine screen Delta P in PET, PBT, and PP base polymers.

More Information

PF401 is a premium specialty black offering significant benefits for fine denier polyester fiber spinners and masterbatch producers. Its ultra-clean physical properties enhance melt fiber life by reducing plugging, leading to lower production costs in fiber manufacturing. The balanced morphological properties of PF401 deliver an optimal combination of blue tone, dispersibility, dilutability, and color strength, with extremely low filterability. Polyester fiber producers can achieve extended spin pack life, as PF401 ensures very low, consistent fine screen Delta P in PET, PBT, and PP base polymers.

Features High spinability, Low viscosity in high concentrated masterbatch , Specified for high speed production of fine denier fibre / Nonwoven
Availability India
Applications Ducts for Optical fibre cables , Masterbatch-filler
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