Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)


  • Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)
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PI103 is a low-structure specialty black designed to provide high gloss and moderate jetness for high-quality offset inks. Available in soft bead form, this blue-tone carbon black has very low vehicle demand, making it suitable for applications requiring a highly loaded base. Its ease of dispersion, fast wetting, and blue undertone contribute to good dispersion stability. With medium optical density, PI103 is ideal for water-based systems using acrylic and maleic resins, and it helps maintain abrasion resistance in finished prints, essential for packaging inks. It is also suitable for use in liquid powder coating applications.

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    Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)
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High gloss | Low structure




Ink | Coating

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Phillips Carbon Black Limited (PCBL)



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PI103 PI103 is a low-structure specialty black designed to provide high gloss and moderate jetness for high-quality offset inks. Available in soft bead form, this blue-tone carbon black has very low vehicle demand, making it suitable for applications requ

PI103 is a low-structure specialty black designed to provide high gloss and moderate jetness for high-quality offset inks. Available in soft bead form, this blue-tone carbon black has very low vehicle demand, making it suitable for applications requiring a highly loaded base. Its ease of dispersion, fast wetting, and blue undertone contribute to good dispersion stability. With medium optical density, PI103 is ideal for water-based systems using acrylic and maleic resins, and it helps maintain abrasion resistance in finished prints, essential for packaging inks. It is also suitable for use in liquid powder coating applications.

More Information

PI103 is a low-structure specialty black designed to provide high gloss and moderate jetness for high-quality offset inks. Available in soft bead form, this blue-tone carbon black has very low vehicle demand, making it suitable for applications requiring a highly loaded base. Its ease of dispersion, fast wetting, and blue undertone contribute to good dispersion stability. With medium optical density, PI103 is ideal for water-based systems using acrylic and maleic resins, and it helps maintain abrasion resistance in finished prints, essential for packaging inks. It is also suitable for use in liquid powder coating applications.

Features High gloss, Low structure
Availability India
Applications Coating, Ink
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