• Sumilon Industries Ltd.
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Product Reviews

SUPET 336D QH is a copolymer resin suitable for high-pressure applications such as aerated drinks. It features an inbuilt Fast Reheat additive to enhance the absorption of infrared radiation, which can result in increased output or reduced heating load and better process flexibility during blowing. SUPET 336D QH is considered safe for food packaging applications.

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Product Details

  • Manufacturer
    Sumilon Industries Ltd.
  • Brand
  • Manufacturing Plant
    SUMILON Surat
  • Plastic Generic Family
  • Plastic Generic Symbol



Material Status

Commercial: Active




Good reheat characteristics | Saving energy | Improve productivity | Good clarity | Rigidity | Good strength | Dimensional Stability | Exceptional process ability


High pressure pipe | Fast reheat bottles | Food packaging

Physical Form


Processing Grades

Fast reheat grade | Food Packaging Grade | High pressure pipe grade

Processing Technology

Blow Molding


Food Packaging Industry | Pipe Industry

Physical Properties

Title Value Unit Method Additional Information Property Notes
Intrinsic Viscosity ( IV content ) 0.840 ± 0.02 dl/gm - -
Carboxyl End Groups ≤ 30 meq/kg - -
Acetaldehyde (AA) ≤ 1 ppm - -
Colour Value ≥ 76.0 -2.0 + -1.5 Hunter Lab - -
Crystallinity ≥ 50 % - -
Chips Per Grams 65 ± 5 Number - -
Moisture Content ≤ 0.20 wt % - -

Thermal properties

Title Value Unit Method Additional Information Property Notes
Melting point 247 ± 3 °C - -

Additional Information

Title Value Unit Method Additional Information Property Notes
Dust Content ≤ 100 ppm - -

SUPET 336D QH is a copolymer resin suitable for high-pressure applications such as aerated drinks. It features an inbuilt Fast Reheat additive to enhance the absorption of infrared radiation, which can result in increased output or reduced heating load and better process flexibility during blowing. SUPET 336D QH is considered safe for food packaging applications.

More Information
Plastic Generic Family Polyester
Plastic Generic Symbol (Sub Group) PET Prime / Virgin Resin

SUPET 336D QH is a copolymer resin suitable for high-pressure applications such as aerated drinks. It features an inbuilt Fast Reheat additive to enhance the absorption of infrared radiation, which can result in increased output or reduced heating load and better process flexibility during blowing. SUPET 336D QH is considered safe for food packaging applications.

Material Status Commercial: Active
Availability India
Features Dimensional Stability , Exceptional process ability, Good clarity, Good reheat characteristics, Good strength, Improve productivity, Rigidity, Saving energy
Applications Fast reheat bottles , Food packaging , High pressure pipe
Physical Form Solid
Processing Grades Food Packaging Grade, Fast reheat grade, High pressure pipe grade
Processing Technology Blow Molding
Industry Food Packaging Industry, Pipe Industry
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